Types Of Attraction
This is a list of all of the types of attraction I have found throughout my research. It is by no means complete or perfect, but it's helpful to me so maybe it'll be helpful to you!
❂ - ( 58 ) Attraction: A feeling of interest or desire towards a particular individual (or object).
Term for not experiencing this. -> | Anattractional
"Crush" in this type of attraction. -> | N/A
( # ) = # of Types in That Group
❂ = Bigger Umbrella Term
★ = Umbrella Term
☆ = Smaller Umbrella Term
⮟⮝ = Subgroup
⁂ = Favorites
These groups are purely for organizational reasons. Attraction cannot truly be sorted into clean-cut categories.
★ - ( 9 ) Physical: An umbrella term for types of attraction that have to do with someone's physical appearance. Includes (but not limited to) Sexual attraction, Aesthetic attraction, and Sensual attraction.
| Aphysical or Nonphysical
| N/A
- Sexual: The desire to have sexual contact with someone or have sexual intercourse with them.
| Asexual
| Smush or Lust
⁂ - Pseudosexual: Attraction which mimics or borders on sexual attraction, but is not sexual attraction. (Distinctions may include the attraction not being physical or not including a drive for sexual interaction.)
| N/A
| N/A
⁂ - Mirous: The desire to look at and admire/gain enjoyment from looking at someone sexually. Seen as the sexual version to aesthetic attraction. Can be caused by a libido spike.
| N/A
| N/A
- Aesthetic: The desire to admire or look at someone; how they dress, their features, etc. The way you would admire a painting.
| A-aesthetic or Nonaesthetic
| Swish or Thete
⁂ - Sensual: A type of physical attraction to another individual (or object, in some cases) involving the senses, usually the sense of touch. This could mean wanting to touch someone in a nonsexual way, or being attracted to voices.
| Asensual
| Lush
⁂ - Aural (Vocal): A type of sensual attraction where one is attracted to someone else's voice. (Drawn to things like singing, a radio voice, or the sound of someone talking.)
| N/A
| N/A
- Invidious: An attraction to the way an individual looks or how they present themselves that is rooted in envy or a desire to have a similar appearance or presentation. (May include a desire to observe, interact with, or fantasize about the target of attraction.) Similar to gender envy.
| N/A
| N/A
- Cute: Attraction where one finds another individual particularly cute. Could be because of how they act, look, etc. (Could be in a childlike way.)
| N/A
| N/A
★ - ( 19 ) Emotional:
An umbrella term that describes attraction not on a physical level or based off of a physical appearance. Includes (but not limited to) Romantic attraction, Platonic attraction, Queerplatonic attraction, and Alterous attraction.
| Aemotional or Nonemotional
| N/A
- Romantic: The desire to be in a romantic relationship with someone and indulge in activities that you consider romantic with said person.
| Aromantic
| Crush
☆ - Platonic: The desire to form a platonic relationship (friendship) with a specific individual, or to strengthen an existing one. Can be an umbrella term for any attraction that is not romantic or sexual.
| Aplatonic
| Squish
☆⁂ - Queerplatonic: A desire to have a queerplatonic relationship with someone in particular. A form of attraction experienced mainly, but not exclusively, by a-spec individuals. Can be used as an umbrella term for any attraction that is non-romantic and involves a desire for an intimate committed relationship.
| Aqueerplatonic
| Squish
- Alterous: The desire to get close to someone in a way that is not purely platonic or romantic in nature, more as if it is in between the two.
| A-alterous, Analterous, or Nonalterous
| Mesh or Hush
- Adornic: A type of alterous attraction based on adoration for one or more others. It should feel warm and comfortable. Follows love that isn’t platonic or romantic.
- Exteramo: A subset of alterous attraction that is not between romantic and platonic attraction, but is instead off the spectrum of romantic and platonic entirely.
| N/A
| Orush
- Solaic: A form of alterous attraction founded upon a mutual bond of comfort and understanding. (Quite hard to describe, but not platonic.)
| N/A
| N/A
- Amical: The desire to be on a higher level of affinity than in just normal friendship with someone. Similar to platonic, social and queerplatonic attraction, but it's more of a "best friend" relationship with a person.
| N/A
| Shush or Thresh
- Flushed: Characterized by feelings of romantic love, and generally (but not necessarily) sexual attraction. Similar to romantic attraction. Gestures include hugs, hand holding and kisses.
| N/A
| N/A
- Arubeic: The a-spec version of flushed attraction.
| N/A
| N/A
- Fidelis: A deep sense of, potentially even overwhelming, loyalty to someone and feeling that the individual they are attracted to is the only one. The attraction version of the phrases "you are my one and only" and "only you, no one else".
| N/A
| N/A
- Transcendent: A type of attraction that can only be described as feeling like intense, undefined love and/or care, and desire for partnership. Relationships based on this attraction may fully or partially combine aspects of all relationship types.
| N/A
| N/A
- Doraric: A desire to be close to, serve, help and even worship someone in awe arising out of an adoration. Considered a mix of spiritual, emotional, and alterous attractions.
| N/A
| Dish
- Pale: An attraction founded on a desire to support, protect, and form a committed and deep emotional relationship with an individual.
| N/A
| N/A
☆ - Virtudinal: The desire to engage with someone through a non-physical plane (like thoughts). Counterpart of presential attraction. Spiritual and emotional are examples of virtual attractions.
| N/A
| N/A
- Spiritual: A form of attraction based on valuing a particular individual's opinions (and existence) above others. Based on a belief that a relationship with them is "destiny". Could be platonic, physical, romantic, etc.
| N/A
| ⁂ Spirit or Soul
- Intellectual/Mental: The desire to engage in an intellectual conversation/connection with someone, or to "pick their brain".
| N/A
| Mish
- Noetic: Attraction based on appreciating and being interested in someone's opinions, point of view, perception of reality, how they see the world, and how their mind works.
| N/A
| N/A
★ - ( 30 ) Tertiary (Eriattraction): An umbrella term for (but not limited to) people in the aro/ace community for types of attraction that isnt physical or emotional (not sexual or romantic). Includes (but not limited to) Amical attraction, Cedural attraction, Familial attraction, Mental attraction, Presential attraction, Social attraction, Tutelary attraction, and Wechselnd attraction.
| Atertiary or Nontertiary, or for aroaces, Electioaroace or Anattractional
| N/A
☆ - Potential: An umbrella term that describes the ability to form a hierarchical bond with someone else. This includes cedural, tutelary, and wechselnd (shifting) attraction.
| N/A
| N/A
- Tutelary: The desire to care for, protect, or nurture someone, like a parent or guardian.
| N/A
| Mush
- Cedural: The desire to be cared for, protected, or nurtured by someone.
| N/A
| ⁂ Gush or Sush
- Wechselnd (Shifting): The relationship with a person shifts from cedural to tutelary depending on factors such as mood, environment, etc.
| N/A
| N/A
- Social: The desire to get closer to someone based on their perceived wisdom or talent based on social aspects. An "aspirational" or mentor desire.
| Asocial
| Rush
- Familial: The desire to get close to someone in a way that transcends beyond just normal friendship; instead it's more of a family or sibling dynamic.
| N/A
| N/A
⁂ - Presential: The desire to be in someone's presence or to know someone through their presence. Similar to sensual but you don't want to touch or be intimate with them.
| N/A
| Swoon
- Nebulous: A type of attraction experienced by those who can't, or don't, distinguish between attraction types (specifically nonsexual or nonphysical attraction). This label was specifically made for neurodivergent individuals.
| N/A
| N/A
⁂ - Quoiattraction (WTFattraction): A term used to describe one who is questioning their attraction, or is very confused about it.
| N/A
| Quash
- Alternating: A form of attraction where someone's attraction type changes. For example feeling romantically about someone one day and then platonically about them the next.
| N/A
| N/A
- Amarous: Where one does not specify the kinds of attraction they have (romantic, sexual, platonic, etc). This could be because of a multitude of reasons.
| N/A
| Tresh or Rush
- Considatore: Attraction caused by someone respecting or supporting your queer identity.
| N/A
| N/A
- Peculic: Attraction caused by other queer individuals respecting, supporting, or relating to your queer identity.
| N/A
| N/A
- Ductuaffectian: An animalistic sense of desire and connection to an individual. Could be pet-like in nature, describing the attraction that only a pet could feel for its owner.
| N/A
| N/A
- Idyllic: A form of attraction in which one desires, fantasizes about, or wishes they were attracted to a certain gender despite not being attracted to that gender in real life. (Or wishing to be attracted to a gender in a different way.)
| N/A
| N/A
- Domestic: The desire to perform domestic activities with or for someone. (Cooking, cleaning, running a home with them, starting a family, etc)
| N/A
| N/A
- Pitch: Attraction founded on a simultaneous hatred and respect for another individual. A pitch relationship could be a committed rivalry that takes on characteristics of a romantic relationship.
| N/A
| N/A
- Xenial: Form of attraction based on hospitality. (Think caretakers, escorts, doctors, and others who do a service that requires emotional engagement with another person, in return for some gain.)
| N/A
| N/A
- Impersonal: A desire to interact with a particular individual without being attached to their history or personality. (Such as a neighbor you gossip with or with a communicator managing information.)
| N/A
| Vash
- Ashen: Attraction founded on a desire to help two other individuals maintain a healthy relationship.
| N/A
| N/A
- Diauamoric: An overwhelming feeling of devotion towards an individual, often described as similar to worship.
| N/A
| N/A
- Quaestus: Attraction defined by admiration towards someone. This may mean wanting to spend your life with this person.
| N/A
| Stuscrush
⁂ - Eating: The desire to eat something. This can be encompassed with other forms of attraction, such as romantic, but this is not always the case. (Look idk wtf this one is, leave me alone.)
| N/A
| Miam
- Navis: An attraction of some sort that gets tangled up with a “they look so cute together” type of thing.
| N/A
| N/A
- Echidaen: A unique attraction between two or more intelligible non-human system members. (For systems, ofc.)
| N/A
| N/A
- Sysplatonic: The system version of cedural attraction. One member (typically a little) in a system wants to be parented and protected by another.
| N/A
| N/A
- Templatonic: The system version of tutelary attraction. One member wants to parent and protect another member (typically a little).
| N/A
| N/A
- Dependplatonic (Deplatonic): A form of platonic attraction that only occurs within one’s depended(s). The DPD version of cedural attraction. Can be used to describe any kind of attraction felt solely within the context of Dependent Personality Disorder.
| N/A
| N/A
- Playful: The desire to play with an individual you are attracted to in some way.
| N/A
| N/A
. · ˚✧ Source: ✧˚ · .